13th World Congress for Laser Dentistry

26-28, April 2012

Barcelona, Spain

Meeting Abstract

Sponsors: World Federation for Laser Dentistry



-  Poster 48

TITLE:  Laser assisted caries control treatments in a Meth mouth case.

AUTHORS: Pakdel F, Pouralibaba F, Rikhtegaran S, Sadighi M.                    

Laser Department Of Tabriz Dental Faculty

SOURCE:  Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 May 1;17(Supplement1):S196.


* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643696






Introduction: Meth mouth is a term used for advanced carious lesions, bruxism and hyposalivation attributed to heavy use of amphetamines. While local oral effects are associated with acidity of drugs, the years of neglect, trauma and poor diet cause other dental pro-blems. Because of drug interactions and less patient cooperation, modified dental protocols are needed to control such situations.

Aim of the study: Using laser advantages in the Caries control treatments of a meth mouth patients.

Description evolution: laser assisted caries control protocols including caries activity monitoring (using laser fluorescence), and dental surfaces Photoactivated disinfection (PAD) were used in 5 Meth mouth patients (20 , 22, 19, 23 and 30 years old ). Parallel to Conventional restorative treatments, salivary flow analysis and bacterial tests were used to control the effectiveness of the treatments.

Discussion: Meth moth patients would face different complications in their dental treatments like drug interactions and sedation problems. Laser application would be a useful choice because of Less need to anesthetic drugs, rapid treatments and less side effects . In these case series, patients show better acceptance of treatment and bacterial counts of saliva decrease due to PAD protocol.