13th World Congress for Laser Dentistry

26-28, April 2012

Barcelona, Spain

Meeting Abstract

Sponsors: World Federation for Laser Dentistry



Oral Presentation 82

TITLE: Clinical and microbiological monitoring of patient with aggressive periodontitis treated by systemic antibiotic and laser or ultrasonic debridment.

AUTHORS: Soueidan A, Clee T, Demoersman J, Bories C, Badran Z.                  

Dental School, Department of Periodontology, Nantes, France

SOURCE:  Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 May 1;17(Supplement1):S82.


* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643581






Introduction: our aim was to analyze during 18 months, the clinical and microbiological effects, of antibiotic therapy and to compare laser to ultrasonic debridement in the treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis.

Material and Methods: Patient is aged 31 years, suffering from generalized aggressive periodontitis. we have prescribed antibiotics for 8 days, then we have achieved a full-mouth debridement in a split mouth technique after randomizationwith laser Er:YAG kavo (160mj, 10Hz),or ultrasonics debridment. Clinical and microbiological data were recorded on days 0, 7, 14, 2 months and 1 year.

Results: The bacterial analysis showed a complete absence of Aa and Pg. After 7 days, antibiotic therapy decrease significantly the pocket depth, the total bacterial load, an periodontopathogens load. The ultrasonic debridement shows a decrease in probing depth from 70% to 2 months and 58% in 1 year and in total bacterial load of 50% at 1 year and in reduction of periodontopathogens 98% 1 week after debridement, and 54% at 1 year. The laser debridement show a decrease in probing depth of 53% at 2 months but 52% at 1 year and in bacterial load of 84% 1 week after and 66% at 1 year and a reduction of periodontopathogens 98% 1 week after 93% at 1 year.

Conclusion: The absence of Aa and Pg on this type of aggressive periodontitis is rather unusual. Antibio-tic therapy alone show a real impact. Microbiological clinical outcomes show that the results of laser treatment is best maintained after one year. The mode of action of the laser seems to provides better stability of the results.