XIX National Congress
and VI International of the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry
17-19, May 2012
Santiago de Compostela,
Meeting Abstract
Sponsors: Sociedad Española de Odontología Conservadora (SEOC)
- Oral Presentation 18
TITLE: The system Endovac:
Irrigation apical negative pressure(ANP).
Fernández, Caterina1
Castelo Baz,
Rivas Mundiña, Berta3
Biedma, Benjamin4
Patiño, Purificación4
Curso de Especialización USC
Clínico de PTD II USC
Asociado de PTD II USC
Titular de PTD II USC
SOURCE: Med Oral Patol Oral
Cir Bucal. 2012 August 1;17(Supplement2):S18.
* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643802
Introduction To achieve
success in endodontics, one should mechanically and
chemically clean the root canal system. This includes areas that are difficult
to access such as deltas, isthmuses,lateral and accesories canals,many of them
are located in the apical third,for all that,is of utmost importance to reach this area .Materials
and methods We have selected 25 items from the pubmed
database about the Endovac system. The system
presents two simultaneous actions.On the one hand it
releases irrigant,while at the same time is sucked by
negative pressure.It consists of an irrigation tip,attached to a syringe containing the irrigant and secondly a macro or a microcannula
which in turn are joined to the suction system .Results and discussion ANP has
proven to be a secure system since it prevents the extrusion of irrigant to periodontal tissues even bringing this to
working length.Moreover,in their antimicrobial efficacy,controversy exists as some authors demostrate a great effect,others
found no differences compared with conventional irrigation. Another aspect to
know is that it also helps achieve ducts with less waste from the
instrumentation. Conclusion Endovac system is a
mechanism for safe and effective irrigation,it is
capable of carrying the irrigant to apical safe to
extrude the same as periapical,however,also has
limitations because the action in accessory canals and dentinal tubules is very
limited,making it necessary to use ultrasonic
irrigation to complete cleaning of the duct system.
Endovac, irrigation negative apical, apical third.