XIX National Congress and VI International of the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry

17-19, May 2012

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Meeting Abstract

Sponsors: Sociedad Española de Odontología Conservadora (SEOC)



Oral Presentation 42

TITLE: Comparison of the effectiveness of internal and external teeth whitening internal versus.


Suárez Mallo, Beatriz

Rivas Mundiña, Berta

Ruíz Piñón, Manuel

Lopes, Manuela

Pires, Luis


Unidad de Patología y Terapeútica Dental. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


SOURCE:  Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 August 1;17(Supplement2):S42.


* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643827





The discolorations are one of the circumstances that cause blemishes major among which are those suffered by non-vital teeth that are susceptible to internal bleaching. Our goal is to compare the degree of whitening teeth whitening underwent simultaneous internal and external comparison with teeth subjected only to internal bleaching.

We used 20 extracted human molars with separate roots stored in saline, in rotation with endodontically ProTaper system and later sealed with gutta-percha single cone. The canal entrance was sealed with glass ionomer prior to bleaching. They are sectioned in the mesiodistal midline cutting them in hall lingual direction, with blade, obtaining two fragments, mesial and distal. Group I: The perborate was mixed with saline applied inside the pulp chamber for 20 minutes and after that time, was removed and made a new application, leave to work a week, repeating the process 4 consecutive weeks. Group II: After the first and second internal bleaching, samples were subjected to external bleaching with hydrogen peroxide 35%, and after the second active simultaneously internal bleaching is performed external bleaching with hydrogen peroxide to 7%, for 3 weeks 60 minutes a day. The color is determined by a colorimeter, Easyshade, recording CIELab values.

The results of this study show statistically significant differences in the bleaching more effective in the group subjected to external and internal bleaching.



Internal bleaching, external bleaching, sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide.