XIX National Congress and VI International of the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry

17-19, May 2012

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Meeting Abstract

Sponsors: Sociedad Española de Odontología Conservadora (SEOC)



Oral Presentation 43

TITLE: Comparision of fracture of Pathfile® files used with continue motion or reciprocating motion.


Fernández Millán, David1

Varela Patiño, Purificación2 

Rivas Mundiña, Berta3 -

Balo Otero, Jesús1

Martín Biedma, Benjamín2


1.-Alumno Máster Endodoncia Avanzada de la USC Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

2.-Profesora titular patología y terapéutica dental facultad de medicina y odontología Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

3.-Profesora asociada Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


SOURCE:  Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 August 1;17(Supplement2):S43.


* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643828





Objectives: Check out how reciprocating motion influences in the fracture of Pathfile® files in root canals with higher angles than 25 degrees. Material and methods: 82 root canals of human extracted teeth with higher angles than 25 degrees were randomly divided into 2 groups. In all the root canals glide path was determined with a K#10 file. Group 1 (n=41) was pre-instrumented with Pathfile System® following the manufacturer´s instructions. Group 2 (n=41) was pre-instrumented with Pathfile System® using reciprocating motion, 120 degrees clockwise and 60 degrees counterclockwise. During all the procedure Sodium Hypoclorite 5.25% was used to irrigate. Results: About the overall of instrumented teeth, 3 fractures were produced with reciprocating motion, with 7 and 10 uses, and only one file fractured with continue motion, with 10 uses. Conclusions: Nowadays is safer to use the Pathfile® files with continue motion.



Pathfile®, Reciprocating motion, file fracture.