XIX National Congress and VI International of the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry

17-19, May 2012

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Meeting Abstract

Sponsors: Sociedad Española de Odontología Conservadora (SEOC)



Oral Presentation 44

TITLE: Do the Positions of the Mesial Root Canal Orifices on the Pulp Chamber Floor Matter in Mandibular Molars?


Elisardo López-Rosales

Benjamin Martin-Biedma

Manuel Ruíz Piñón  

Jóse Bahillo

Purificación Varela-Patiño


Unidad de Patología y Terapeútica Dental. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


SOURCE:  Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 August 1;17(Supplement2):S44.


* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643829





Introduction: The mesial roots of the mandibular molars typically have two canals with an independent or confluent radicular pattern. This information is important to know before starting mechanical preparation because confluent canals have a double curvature where they meet and a greater overall curvature, which is problematic for files. Method: Using an operating microscope, the positions of the mesial root canal orifices on the pulp chamber floor and their possible correlation with the radicular pattern were observed. Results: In canals perpendicular to a distal–mesial line crossing the middle of the pulp chamber floor, the interorificial distance was critical: 92% of canals were confluent at distances of 1–2 mm, 93% were independent at distances > 2 mm, and 84% were independent at distances < 1 mm. Most (80%) canals that were not perpendicular had an independent pattern regardless of the distance. Chi-squared analysis of the independent and confluent radicular patterns found a significant difference in the positions of the root canal orifices on the pulp chamber floor (χ2 = 60.17; P < 0.0001). Conclusion: The positions of the mesial root canal orifices of mandibular molars on the pulp chamber floor are related to an independent vs. confluent radicular pattern.



Mandibular molar, Mesial canal, Operating microscope, Pulp chamber floor, Radicular pattern.